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What I Wish I Had Known as a New Mom

Being a new mom is a transition unlike any other. There is so much to learn and figure out as we are thrust into a new role that requires so much of us, physically emotionally and mentally. Our number one job is keeping our little one alive and well. It can be all consuming.

I remember I worried so much as a new mom and I let a lot of the pressure of being a mom get to me. I wish I had known some of the things I now know as a more seasoned mom. If you're reading this and you are a new mom right now, check out the some of the things I wish I had known. If you are a seasoned mom, add in your tips and tricks in the comments below.

1) Do Not Worry About Baby Sleep

Some babies sleep less and that's okay. You don't need to force your babe to sleep or worry about getting all the naps in. Some babies sleep 15-16 hours a day some less than that. My babe slept around 11-13 hours a day. That's what worked for him.

Sleep training is not the solution people make it out to be. If you feel you need to drop a nap earlier than recommended (12 months or 3 years) do what works for you and baby. If contact napping works right now, do it. You may be tired but it will not always be this way and you will get sleep eventually. You both will.

2) Feed Your Baby What Works for You and Baby

Breast feeding journey's are all different. Some babies are breast fed until they are 2 years old and some like mine are allergic to cow's milk and it will be a difficult journey. You don't have to breast fed or else. There are other options, like formula, that work best for some babies. Breast is not best. Fed is best. A baby that is healthy is best.

3) Lower Your Expectations

Being a mom is freaking hard. You have a million things that need to get done, every day, all day. Do only what you have to do and need to do. You literally can't do everything, while taking care of little ones, so don't try. Let some things go for now. Lower your expectations around a lot f what you are capable of doing in a day or during nap time or as a parent, in general.

Nora Roberts glass balls vs. plastic balls analogy really helped me out when deciding what was a priority and what wasn't. Check it out here:

4) We are all Winging it

Yep! That's right! Nobody has this parenting thing all figured out. It's hard and it's full on unexpected challenges and blissful moments. It's like that for most everyone. No matter what their lives look like on social media or from a distance, know that everyone, mom's and dad's, is just winging it and doing the best they know how to do in this moment, right now.

5) You Know Your Baby Best

Every baby and every child is different. The advice that worked from one baby will not necessarily be the right advice for another. That's why they say trust your mom instincts. As you get to know your baby and your child, you will learn so much about them, their personality, likes and dislikes. If they are shy or quiet, loud and social. There is so much to learn and know about your little one. So, when moms are talking or someone is trying to give you unsolicited advice know that they don't know your baby half as well as you do and your baby is not their baby. So, do what is best for your baby.

6) Parent How YOU Want to Parent

On a similar note, when people are giving advice or sharing stories, remember that they aren'y fully aware of you and your parenting journey or style. Some people may swear some up and down about one method of parenting and how it worked for them. But they may not know you are trying to gentle parent. You know best what your parenting style is and you know how you want to care for and nurture your baby. Trust yourself and do what is right for you as a parent. It's your journey.

7) This Too Shall Pass

This is a season and seasons pass. Your baby will need you less and less. This is a heartbreaking realization but also when you are struggling a helpful one. So when you are feeling like a used up mom day in and day out. When you are touched out and haven't washed your hair in days, know that one day you will be able to do all the things you want to. This is just a season. A hard one, but it will pass and another one will come in its place.

What would you add? What do you wish you would have known as a new mom....

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