The Single Girl's Guide to Celebrating Valentine's Day
I have spent many Valentine's days in various relational scenarios - married, in a relationship, newly dating and single. While 2021 poses its own set of challenges to this year's singles with social distancing and isolation, this Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a hard time.
Valentine's Day or any holiday, for that matter, can be an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your family and your friends. Don't pass it up. Get out of the struggle and into celebrating the love. Here's how:
Get some perspective. Remember, it is just one day of the year in many years of your life. Maybe one Valentine's Day in the future you will be coupled up, if that's what you want for yourself. Maybe you'll be in a better place on your self discovery journey and it won't even bother you next year. Maybe you're newly dating someone and you don't know where's it's going, next year you could be more in a more established relationship. The point being, you don't know what the future holds. Being single on Valentine's Day only has meaning if you assign it meaning. You are a worthy, valuable, amazing person regardless of your relationship status and this year does not dictate your future Valentine's days or your future. Period. Allow yourself to just experience this day at it is, because it could all change very quickly.
Treat Yourself. Being single around holidays is a great opportunity to invest in yourself. So, get yourself some flowers, buy all the fancy chocolate, order yourself an expensive gift. Treat yourself. Whatever it is you miss on Valentine's Day about being in a relationship, give it to yourself. I'll leave that open for interpretations.
Pamper Yourself. Give yourself some self love and self care. Dawn a nourishing face mask or hair mask, or both, get into your nicest sweats and watch your favourite movie, make some popcorn with fancy toppings (nutritional yeast and olive oil, chocolate chips and mini marshmallows, dill infused salt and butter) and pour a glass of the good wine. Viola! You got yourself a pretty amazing Spa/Movie Night.
You could also, have a relaxing soak in the bath, play some meditation music, light candles, put in a bath bomb, and soak up the chill vibes all night long. Start a book you have always wanted to read. Do a restorative yoga class or session on yoga glow. Spend some time with you, restoring your energy and glow. There are lots of possibilities and ways to spend quality time with you and you.
Date Yourself. Make yourself an incredible meal. Take yourself out to a restaurant you have always wanted to try and order the most expensive thing on the menu or order it to go. Book a room for the night at a fancy hotel and spend the night being catered to by room service.
Gather the Girls. Get on zoom, skype, google hangout and have a Gal-entine's celebration, with drinks, snacks and lots of chocolate, crank some good music, read a raunchy novel together or watch a Netflix or Disney+ movie together. Have some much needed fun with your friends. Valentine's Day can be about girl gang love, too.
Love the Littles in your Life. If you have little ones in your life, whether you are a parent, an aunt or have a bestie with kids, you have a great opportunity to celebrate the love of Valentine's Day in a different way. Little ones love Valentine's day, in a totally unromantic way. For them Valentine's Day is about doing nice things for family and friends, like giving out little cards, candies, paper hearts, notes of appreciation and hugs. What better way to spend Valentine's day if you are single then making it about the love of family and friends vs. the romantic version we are all so accustomed to adopting for Valentine's day.
Some ideas for spending Valentine's Day with your littles are:
A heart themed craft -- you'll need lots of red construction paper, markers, glue and glitter
Bake some heart shaped cookies or pink cupcakes, and decorate with fun sprinkles
Watch movies in PJ's and eat popcorn
Make a fun, dinner together like heart shaped pancakes or waffles (breakfast for dinner is the best)
Bonus points, if you give the adults in the littles' life the night off, the parents will truly appreciate you for it and the extra time you spend with the little ones will be rewarding for you. You will be filled up with cuddles, hugs and the love of the children in your life.
Regardless, of what you plan to do on Valentine's day if you are single, I hope you spend it knowing you are an amazing person worthy of love and the life you dream of. Don't let anything hold you back.
Happy Valentine's Days, loves.
What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Share in the comments below.