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Thanks for Standing by: Back After a Brief Hiatus

Back in Action...After a Brief Hiatus.

If you are still here and following along via instagram or facebook, you probably noticed, while I did still post as often as I could, on those platforms, the blog was pretty silent. I did have content scheduled for the month my son was born and beyond, but it didn't feel connected to what I was experiencing in real time so I took a pause instead of sticking with the regularly schedule programming. I felt it gave me and this space a bit of a reset. It gave me time to recalibrate and come back at it renewed and transformed. It also gave me time to heal and rest, which was so needed after my c-section and birthing of my son.

Photo by: Brent Wesley

Adjusting to life as a new, full-time, mom and focusing on my newborn babe, has been, at once, fulfilling and challenging. I am in awe of mothers everywhere. It is truly remarkable what our bodies can do and what we ourselves can and will do to create safe, loving spaces for our children and families, whether that is within our own bodies, during the birthing process or in our homes. In my house, we are still figuring a lot out, such as routines, our breast-feeding journey, spaces and recalibrating the equilibrium of the family. Personally, I am working on self love through this new journey of motherhood, letting go of who I was and embracing who I am becoming, accepting my body and my new life, and so much more. Life as it is now, with a three month old baby, is very different than it used to be but it's a wonderful thing. I am so grateful for all of it thus far. It's been quite a ride, filled with love, learning and tough moments, but I wouldn't trade it for anything and I am so excited for the future.

Photo by: Brent Wesley

Photo by: Brent Wesley

Photo by: Brent Wesley

Photo by: Brent Wesley

Photo by: Brent Wesley

House of Gabrielle, was started as a way for me to share my passion projects. I love sharing content centred around the topics I dabble in such as, art, design, home decor, fashion, beauty, hair care, self care and wellness, recipes, products I love or would love to buy for my home or as gifts for those I love, and now motherhood and parenting, as well. So, I will continue, via House of Gabrielle, to do so and do my very best to consistently show up, share and connect with you all, as I tackle motherhood and my expanding family.

If you have stayed with me to this point, I want to thank you for your patience and for standing by and welcome you to the next chapter of the journey. It's gonna be an exciting one.

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