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Why You Need A Self Care Plan

When times are on the harder side, such as during these COVID lockdowns or other similarly strained and difficult times of uncertainty, having a good self care regime can help so much with your mental health and allow you to maintain stability of mood and stamina to get through.

Self care is a very important component of mental health. Personally, if I have been slacking on my self care regime, I start getting low moods, feelings of listlessness, purposelessness, depletion and irritability setting in. There are a number of activities I know, that I need to do if I start to feel these lower states coming on. Activities such as:

  • doing my full, getting ready, morning routine

  • wearing a nice outfit for the day (no sweats)

  • eating healthy snacks

  • preparing a nice, healthy, meal for dinner

  • baking for friends and family

  • writing my thoughts and feelings or ideas down

  • working on an art project

  • painting some furniture

  • connecting with my partner

  • calling my mom

  • saying positive affirmations through out the day

  • being mindful of negative thoughts and patterns

  • practicing gratitude in some way (ie. doing a gratitude meditation on my Calm app)

  • meditate

  • drawing or colouring

  • doing some yoga or stretching

  • going for a walk

  • getting outside for any reason even to check the mail

  • doing a smudge

  • listen to music

  • having a nice long bath with epsom salts

  • watching a funny show or movie

  • watching an epically inspiring movie or show that makes me want to make cool art (inspiration)

  • read or research a new topic

These are some of the activities that work for me and I need to do a few of them consistently for them to do their work and allow me to sustain an even keel and feel like my better self at this time.

Self care looks different for everyone, however. What works for me may not work for you, specifically in the same way. It's very personal self care. It's not a one plan fits all type of model.

The best way to figure out what works for you individually, and build yourself a self care plan, that can be the go to plan when you are struggling, or in a mood, is to make a list of your own. Write down everything that fills you up, makes you feel lighter, peaceful, in the zone, and the best version of yourself. Incorporate activities that make you feel special and taken care of. Activities that inspire you to do more of them, that give you a sense of purpose and allow you to express your creative side. Activities that allow for you to express yourself, your thoughts, feelings, emotions, connect with other people in someway, get outdoors, be spontaneous (if that's your thing), enjoy some nature time, allow for movement and play.

Once you have a working list, you can try to incorporate some of the those activities into your every day. That is your self care regime or plan. You will start to learn what you need to do everyday vs. what you can do once a month or every once in a while. It's a work in progress as are you. Once you have this working model or a plan, put it somewhere you can see it often or refer back to it when you need to get yourself back on track.

What are some of your favourite self care activities? Share in the comments below.

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